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Forest Grazing Cow Ghee: Authentic Full Moon A2 Bilona

Ghee, particularly A2 ghee, has become an essential choice for health-conscious individuals. Traditional methods, pure ingredients, and the profound benefits of A2 ghee make it a premium choice compared to regular ghee. In this blog, we dive into the benefits of Malnad Gidda Cow Ghee, what makes Full Moon Bilona Ghee special, and how this pure, medicinal elixir stands out in today’s market.

A Golden Elixir from Forest Grazing Cows

Our gorochana® Malnad Gidda Cow Ghee is no ordinary ghee. It is a 100% source traceable, exquisite golden elixir made from the milk of forest-grazing Malnad Gidda cows—a pure Indian breed native to the Chikmagalur district in Karnataka. In Kannada, “Malnad” refers to the hilly region, while “Gidda” translates to dwarf, referring to the cow’s small size. These cows are known for their resilience and their ability to graze in the herbal-rich forests of the Western Ghats, significantly enhancing the medicinal value of their milk, dung, and urine.

Every morning, these cows are taken to the forest and return in the evening after covering approximately 30 kilometers of walking. This natural lifestyle, combined with their forest diet, means each cow produces around 1.5 liters of highly nutritious milk daily. The result is Malnad Gidda Cow Ghee, which is far more potent in nutritional and medicinal properties than regular ghee.

Forest Grazing Cow Ghee, a2 ghee

Full Moon Bilona Ghee: Crafting Tradition

We make our ghee on the auspicious full moon day using the traditional Bilona method. Hand-churned butter from cultured curd is simmered in brass vessels to create a ghee that retains its maximum nutrition and purity. This practice of crafting Full Moon Ghee is deeply rooted in Indian tradition, where it is believed that the full moon’s energy enhances the sattvic (pure) qualities of the ghee, making it more nourishing for the body and mind.

One unique aspect of Full Moon Ghee is that we milk our cows only after the calves have been fully satisfied, ensuring the well-being of the cow and the calf. This ethical approach, combined with the cows’ natural grazing in the Western Ghats, results in a ghee that is incredibly rich in essential fatty acids, omega-3s, and antioxidants.

Why Choose A2 Ghee Over Regular Ghee?

Regular ghee is often made from crossbred cows that produce both A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins, which may cause digestive discomfort for some individuals. On the other hand, A2 ghee is derived exclusively from cows that produce only A2 beta-casein protein, making it easier to digest and offering additional health benefits. Our Vedic A2 Bilona Cultured Ghee is crafted using the ancient bilona method, which retains all the vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, ensuring that it is packed with medicinal value.

Here’s how A2 ghee differs from regular ghee:

  • Milk Source: Regular ghee comes from crossbred cows, while Malnad Gidda Cow Ghee is sourced from indigenous forest-grazing cows.

  • Production Process: While regular ghee may be mass-produced, A2 ghee is hand-churned using the bilona method and cooked in traditional brass vessels, preserving its purity and nutrition.

  • Nutritional Content: A2 ghee contains more omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, and K, and other essential nutrients than regular ghee. It’s also free from harmful A1 beta-casein protein.

  • Health Benefits: Ayurveda considers A2 ghee to be highly medicinal, improving digestion, boosting immunity, and enhancing skin health. It’s ideal for everyone, including children, the elderly, and those with sensitive digestion.

What Makes Ghee So Special?

Ghee, also known as clarified butter, has been used in Indian cooking and Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Its rich flavor, long shelf life, and numerous health benefits make it a staple in both kitchens and traditional healing practices. But what exactly makes ghee, especially A2 ghee, so beneficial?

Nutritional Benefits of Ghee

  • Rich in Healthy Fats: Ghee contains medium and long-chain fatty acids, including conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. These fats are essential for brain health, hormone production, and supporting the body’s energy levels.

  • Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Ghee is an excellent source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are crucial for maintaining healthy skin, vision, bones, and the immune system.

  • Lactose and Casein-Free: Unlike butter, ghee is free from milk solids (lactose and casein). This makes it a safer option for people with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies while still providing the nutritional benefits of dairy.

  • Natural Source of Butyrate: Butyric acid (butyrate) found in ghee supports a healthy gut by nourishing the cells lining the gut wall, which can improve digestion and reduce inflammation.

Traditional Ayurvedic Uses of Ghee

In Ayurveda, ghee is considered one of the most sacred and healing substances. It is classified as a “sattvic” food, meaning it promotes peace, positivity, and balance in the body and mind.

  • Immunity Boosting: Ayurveda recommends the consumption of ghee for boosting immunity due to its rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Ayurvedic ghee is believed to lubricate joints, nourish the skin, and improve digestion.

  • Digestion Aid: Ghee is known to stimulate the secretion of stomach acids, which improves digestion. It also helps in absorbing fat-soluble nutrients from food.

  • Detoxification: In Ayurvedic detoxification treatments, known as Panchakarma, ghee is used to aid in removing toxins (ama) from the body by helping transport them to the digestive tract for elimination.

Why Our Forest Grazing Cow Ghee is Unique

Our cows graze freely in the herbal-rich forests of the Western Ghats. This grazing adds tremendous nutritional value to the milk, and subsequently, the ghee. Forest Grazing Cow Ghee contains an exceptional blend of medicinal herbs and natural grasses, making it a powerhouse of nutrition.

The Benefits of Full Moon Ghee

According to Ayurveda, the full moon has a significant impact on all living beings. It is believed that the full moon’s energy enhances the qualities of ghee, making it more nourishing and beneficial. This is why our Full Moon Ghee is churned and prepared only on full moon days, following traditional practices that honor both the cow and the moon’s influence.

  • Made with Hand-Churned Butter: The bilona method involves hand-churning butter from cultured curd, which is then simmered in brass vessels. This slow-cooking process ensures that the ghee retains its nutritional essence and Ayurvedic benefits.

  • Eco-Friendly Packaging: We also take great care in ensuring that our ghee is packaged sustainably. We use 100% plastic-free and eco-friendly materials, making it a responsible choice for both you and the environment.


The Verdict: Normal Ghee vs A2 Ghee

If you’re considering switching to A2 ghee, here are the top reasons why it’s the better choice:

  • Digestibility: A2 ghee is easier to digest, making it suitable for all ages, including those with lactose sensitivities.

  • Nutrient Density: The Malnad Gidda Cow Ghee, particularly made from forest-grazing cows, is exceptionally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, and antioxidants, unlike regular ghee.

  • Medicinal Value: Ayurvedic ghee, particularly Vedic A2 Bilona Cultured Ghee, is known for its healing properties, improving immunity, skin health, and digestion.

Why Full Moon Ghee is Special in Ayurveda

As mentioned earlier, Full Moon Ghee is traditionally crafted on full moon days when the ghee is believed to possess the most potent sattvic energy. In Ayurveda, it’s thought that the full moon influences the energy of ghee, making it more nourishing for both physical and mental health. People who practice yoga, meditation, and holistic wellness often choose Full Moon Ghee for its heightened spiritual and physical benefits.

Ghee vs. Other Fats: How Does Ghee Compare?

  • Ghee vs. Butter: While butter contains milk solids and water, ghee is clarified, making it more shelf-stable and better suited for high-heat cooking. Ghee also contains more concentrated nutrients and is easier to digest than butter.

  • Ghee vs. Coconut Oil: While both ghee and coconut oil are praised for their health benefits, ghee has the advantage of containing essential fat-soluble vitamins that coconut oil lacks. Additionally, A2 ghee has a higher smoke point than coconut oil, making it better for frying and high-heat cooking.

  • Ghee vs. Olive Oil: Olive oil is a fantastic source of monounsaturated fats and is great for cold dishes and salad dressings. However, ghee’s high smoke point makes it a superior option for cooking, as it doesn’t break down and produce harmful free radicals when heated to high temperatures like olive oil can.

  • Ghee vs. Vegetable Oil: Ghee is a much healthier alternative to processed vegetable oils like canola or soybean oil, which often contain unhealthy trans fats and can cause inflammation. Ghee is a natural, unprocessed fat with a rich nutrient profile, while most vegetable oils are heavily refined and lose their nutritional value during processing.

How to Incorporate Ghee into Your Diet

Ghee is extremely adaptable and has several uses, including:

  • Cooking and Frying: With a smoke point of 450°F (230°C), ghee is perfect for frying, sautéing, and roasting. It doesn’t burn easily, ensuring that your food retains its flavor and nutritional value.

  • Baking: Ghee can be used as a butter substitute in baking, offering a richer flavor and better texture to pastries, cakes, and cookies.

  • On Toast or Rotis: A simple and delicious way to enjoy ghee is by spreading it over warm toast or rotis. It melts beautifully and adds a deep, nutty flavor.

  • In Coffee or Tea: Adding a teaspoon of ghee to your morning coffee or tea creates a creamy beverage that offers an instant energy boost and supports cognitive function.

  • As a Topping: Drizzle warm ghee over vegetables, soups, or rice dishes to enhance the flavor and provide a dose of healthy fats.

Introducing Our Product

Conclusion: Embrace the Purity of A2 Bilona Ghee

By choosing A2 Full Moon Bilona Ghee from Malnad Gidda cows, you’re not just selecting a healthier alternative; you’re embracing a time-honored tradition that connects you to nature and Ayurvedic wisdom. Whether you’re seeking improved digestion, enhanced immunity, or just a richer, purer ghee, our gorochana® A2 ghee offers unparalleled quality and nutrition.

Make the switch to Full Moon Ghee and experience the benefits of pure, ethically-sourced, and handcrafted A2 ghee today.

To learn more about Dr. Revathy and Mr. Ajeesh Puthoor, explore their full biographies here.

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